
Books to read before 2019

I know, I know, its a bit of an odd time for this post. Normally its the sort of thing that you would see around the middle of the year, and as its now August, I have missed that. But with my current state of being in a reading slump, I find these posts to be useful for getting motivation back for reading.

In this list is a mixture of proof books, books that have been on my shelf for what feels like forever, as well as some new releases that I just cant wait for. I’m going to keep this list short as I don’t want to be too over ambitious, after all, I will need to get out of this reading slump to begin with. We will see over time how it all turns out.

My first has to be Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik, I have this sitting on my shelf, looking at me longingly, I don’t want to pick this up until I know I’m going to read it cover to cover in just a couple of days. However I am truly hoping that this will be some point in this month.Lately I’ve been reading the Harry Potter books back in order, sadly though this is taking an awful lot longer than it needs to be. I cant even remember exactly when I started this but I’m only on Goblet of Fire. So I am determined to at least read this one, if not more of them, before it turns to 2019; this is just shocking, I’m almost embarrassed to admit how poorly I am doing with this series.

Although still dubious as to when I will manage to get my hands on a copy of this, I will be reading it this year no matter what; that book is Dance of Thieves by Mary E Pearson. I read the Remnant Chronicles back to back in February, and absolutely adored it, so when I found out there was going to be another book in the same world I just knew I would adore it. I have to admit though, I am very confused as to when it actually will be coming out in the UK, so I have two pre-orders for it as I refuse to wait longer than I have to.

I think the final book I’m going to put on this list is Lancelot by Giles Kristian. I grabbed this on one of my weekly food shops, and although I have heard nothing about this yet, I am truly excited to get to it. Giles Kristian is one of those authors that has always been on my list of authors to try, but this novel just sounded like the perfect one for me.

Do you have a list of books you want to read before the end of the year? What is on your list?

12 thoughts on “Books to read before 2019

    1. I’m reading a lot of them for the first time 🙈 I had them read to me as a child, and read a few when I was learning to read. But I’ve never read a few of them! I know- I’m ashamed to be a potter fan and not of read them all 😂

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      1. At least you’ve read them at all! 😂 you’ll be even more of a fan after you’ve read them again I’m sure of it. I suggest reading a book then watching that film before starting the next book! 🐼

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  1. I really enjoyed reading your post! Unfortunately I don’t get much time to read at all these days and I’m still working my way through Angels and demonds! I love it but I just never get chance when I’m not too tired to sit and read it! I would love to have a list of books to finish off by 2019 but at the minute I think I’ll just aim to finish off my dan brown book 😂

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      1. Hahaha Thank you 🙂 I have to say, that despite the fact I haven’t finished it yet, it is in fact a brilliant book and written very cleverly! Here’s hoping i can finish it by the end of the year haha

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