
August TBR ‘2020

Hmm, now who is seriously failing as a blogger right now?! Yes that’s right, me! 

The last post I actually got out for you all was back in the start of July, and we are now half way through August, I’m really needing to get back on top of this! Oh and have I mentioned, I haven’t even been reading… I know, such a great reading blogger lately!

So the main plan for this month is to read Heir of Fire with the buddy read group over on Insta! But then in order to do that I really do need to finish the first two books! Yes that’s right I have been failing at these buddy reads. I love the group, and really have been trying, but somehow I am massively behind!

Other than that, I don’t really have any reading plans. Although I have really been wanting to get into a good book and read lately, I just have so much going on at the moment, with health and life stuff, its just taking up my time. Not to mention the stress just makes me want to binge watch Friends and sleep for hours!

So what can you expect from me and the blog in the coming future?

Well I like to think that I will now start my weekly blogs again. I have lots in mind, from what has been going on with my health, the big changes coming up in life, and the joys that have been my weight lose journey over the past 5 months.

But the reality is that until October I really cant see me getting a grip on my stress levels! There is just so much for me to sort out in life and events coming up, that are just going to take my focus! But fingers crossed that I will get some more out in the near future.

What’s going on with publishing books you may ask? 

For the time being I am not really accepting new review books, but hopefully come
October I will start again, and get back to the rhythm of things.  For the mean time, I have plenty to catch up on from previous months.

So what are you planning to read in the rest of the month?

Do you have any quick fun post ideas for me to do? I’d love to get some fun pieces out in the near future!

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