
October TBR

October is typically the time to read/watch/do all things scary and spooky, however that’s really not my kind of thing so my TBR for this month is not that much different than it would be for any other month. However I am keeping it short in terms of actual novels as I believe I have some review copies coming through soon that I’ll need to dedicate my time too. So here we go…I have two books from the lovely Titan books that I plan on reading this month; the first, Passenger by Lisa Lutz, is probably the only ‘spooky’ one I have on this TBR. This is a thriller about a woman on the run after her husband is murdered because the person she claims to be doesn’t actually exist. I’m so excited for this because of how much I loved The Vanishing Year last month, I’m hoping this is just as good.

The second, Old Venus, is a collection of short stories all set in the planet Venus. Ive never read a short story collection, and have little experience with settings outside of this planet, so I am very excited for this one. I think I’m just going to read a story a day or so.

The Way of Kings Part 1…

This was on my TBR a few months ago, (or was it last month?) but I barely made a dent in it, so I’m going to try and get through it this month. As I mentioned then, I’m reading this as its my boyfriend’s favourite author so I thought I’d give it a go. I’m about 50pages in and I am really enjoying it so far but it takes a level of focus.

I’ve then got a collection of graphic novels and comics from the library that I’m going to read this month, including Maximum Ride volume 2, this has been on order from the library for a while, and I’m so glad to finally have it.

Also, I’ll be continuing to listen to Brent Weeks’s ‘The Black Prism’.

SO the hope is that I can get through it all this month, or at least a good chunk of it. What are you reading?

2 thoughts on “October TBR

  1. Passenger sounds really interesting! Good luck getting through all that this month! I’m currently reading The Little Book of Hygge, and listening to Dear Amy. 🙂 x

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