Recommendations · Uncategorized

Recommendation; Lavish Little Style Baby clothing…

As is probably becoming clear from the revamp of the blog, I now have a darling 1 yr old daughter. So I thought I would take the chance to give out a huge recommendation for where has quickly become my favourite place to buy her clothing…

Being a mum has many positives and negatives involved, but for me dressing my baby is a huge positive. I have a slight addiction to buying her new clothes, and it’s well known in my house that I choose her outfits every day!!

A while ago I stumbled across a little independent store on TikTok, and instantly fell in love with their designs.

Lavish Little Style Baby sell a range of Spanish, traditional and personalised clothing, and bring out new ranges for the various holidays.

All of the personalised clothing is so detailed as to what you want. Not only do you specify the name and product, but you can choose animals, fonts, thread colour – you can truly make it your own!

Each and every product that I’ve bought has been beautiful and amazing quality!

I even find the sizing to be bang on which is something I’ve struggled with my tiny girl.

So far I’ve had items from the Christmas collection, birthday collection as well as just day to day items. My valentines order has just arrived and can’t wait to put them on little lady next month.

Every item, I have found washes brilliantly, is so soft on my little ones super sensitive skin, and just looks stunning again and again.

I’ve shopped around a fair bit, and I’ve found they have the biggest range of personalised designs, have a vast range of safari animals. Which I love as my little one is a medical zebra baby (long story for another time). But obviously I then feel the need to have a lot of zebra items for her.

Both of her birthday outfits ended up being from them, and as soon as people saw them they understood why. They are just such good quality and little one is so comfy in them. Perfect for partying.

I love that they have products for every occasion, and as a mum who celebrates everything that’s right up my street. To my partners despair, she even ended up with New Year’s Eve jammies….

I really could keep going, I’m completely obsessed! This won’t be the last time I’m writing about them, as I already have a list of things I plan to order next…

Oh and did I mention they do the most stunning Pom Pom hats? Not only for baby but matching adult ones… going to be ordering my matching one next month!

I’ll be sure to update with what I think of the Valentine’s Day outfits once I try them on her, but already I know I’m in love with them. Can’t wait for the Easter range!

I highly recommend you go and have a browse for yourself, you can find them at or their Instagram is linked below.. the are also on TikTok which I highly recommend checking out.

I also believe they’ve just lowered their postage fees, which can never be a bad thing!


Hello 2022….

This past year has been one of the longest yet fastest years of my life… it’s been one of the best but most stressful years… but I got something from it that I wouldn’t change for the world.

Think the biggest thing is I became a mum this year. I now get to watch my beautiful brilliant daughter grow up each and every day. And that’s everything I feel I will ever need!

But having a baby in a pandemic is tough. It tests so much of your strength, relationships and mental stability.

I feel guilt on a daily basis for what my daughter has missed out on due to this pandemic, but I have to remind myself that she wouldn’t be who she is if she was born in any other time.

This year has had health worries, relationship troubles and plenty of financial stress! Turns out a hyphenated name is enough to confuse the child benefit people!

But one thing I’ve learnt is I need to stop looking back. I need to look to the future and try to be the best mummy and person I can be moving forwards.

Nothing can change the past, but I can do all I can to better myself for the future.

So 2022 will be the year that I try to be more open and present. I want to get more creative with things I do with my daughter and want to push myself out of my comfort zone to benefit her.

I’ve barely taken her out alone, just me and her, due to fear of not coping. I have so many doubts in myself as a mother, but I need to learn to manage this!

On days it’s just me and her I want to get out to baby groups, I want her to socialise so she doesn’t have the anxiety I have around new people.

I want us to have mummy daughter days exploring, and doing new activities.

I want to make memories.

Part of the way to better myself is to get in a healthier routine. I’m not going to be making any massive changes- that’s just unrealistic.

I want to start getting up and ready in the mornings. Even if it’s having breakfast and putting on clean jammies!

Currently I always get little lady fed and dressed. I have a habit staying in my jammies, eating junk food and drinking coke.

My hope is that getting out more will help like this.

And finally I want to be sticking with little ones swimming lessons. I signed her up back when she was 7 months old. We went for a couple of months and then from mid September it was one thing after another stopping us going. It got to a point I was looking for excuses.

It comes down to my fear of socialising and people I don’t know I think, but either way I need to stick with it. Both because of financial reasons and for her benefit.

So those are my very simple aims for the year. I may do a books goals post later but at this point I’m not sure.

What are you hoping to get from the year of 2022?

Make sure to be following my Instagram for lots of photos of little lady and a sneak peak before I do her introduction post!

And I’ve just joined TikTok, I’m sure I’m going to embarrass myself but here ya go…. Alexmariephillips


Am I really back?!

Well to say it’s been a long time would be an almighty understatement. Well over a year to my calculations….

When I was last here I mentioned that I had a hell of a lot of stress going on. I had secrets I was still keeping to myself, too scared to announce. I had major life changes, some by choice and some being forced upon me. And I had the constant worry of having to not only look after myself, but the baby I was carrying…

Although I had written about my journey trying to conceive I never formally announced on here that I had fallen pregnant. It was one almighty shock for both myself and my partner, but it was just what we needed at that time.

The pregnancy was rough in so many ways, but after being told I couldn’t carry a child that was nothing we weren’t expecting.

And although I now have the most gorgeous baby daughter, the last year or so has definitely left me with some mental scars.

I have missed blogging so much. For a long time it’s been an outlet and a comfort to me. And now, as my baby girl is approaching one, I feel like I’m now ready to come back.

So what’s for the future?

Well quite simply, I’m not completely sure. My content will most definitely be different. I’m a mum now, that has quickly become my main focus and a major part of my life. So obviously my content will reflect that. There will be more family, baby and mummy content. I want to share my experiences to both educate and show mums that they aren’t alone- as that’s something I’ve felt a lot over this time. And I want to share products and brands that I adore!

I’m hoping to still share bookish content as well. For the time being I’m not going to be working with any publishers, as the reality is I just don’t have the time that I once did. But as little lady gets older and more independent, I hope to find time to read a bit here and there and be able to share that with you.

To be perfectly honest I’ve not finished a book since she’s been born- unless you count kids bedtime stories!!

So what would everyone like to see?

I plan on doing some story times of what’s gone on, and definitely plan on introducing my little lady a little more.

I recommend following my Instagram as that’s about the only place I’ve stayed active over this time- alexmariephillips


The Behind The Blogger Tag…

Wow it seems like so long since I’ve done a tag post, but now its looking like I will have a few coming for you in the next few weeks. This is a pretty exciting one as you will get an insight into me, myself and I. Not sure whether I’ve done this one before, but even if I have it has been a while, so worth doing it again..


Thank the person who nominated you
Answer all the questions down below
Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
Nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag

So lets get started…

Why Did You Start Blogging? & Why Have You Kept Blogging?

I started blogging initially because I was intrigued. I had read blogs for a while, and being home ill the majority of the time I thought it was a good idea of something to do to keep me busy- plus I had always loved writing. It has since continued as I just love to talk about things I am passionate about, hence why it is mostly books I talk about on my blog. It keeps me focused and feeling some what productive in my time at home, as there is a lot of it.

What Is Your Favorite Type of Blog Post to Write?

By my favourite blog posts to write are my TBR’s. I love getting to sit and look through my books deciding what it is that I want to read each month. I also enjoy my chatty posts about all sorts of different things. I find it very reliving to just write down all my thoughts sometimes.

What Are Your Top Three Favorite Blog Posts You Wrote?

The Many Adventures of our Houdini, Tigger…

Thoughts at the start of our Trying to Conceive journey….

Having a Chronic Illness and being in a relationship..

Not sure they are my favourite, but they are some of my favourites..

What Are Some of Your Favorite Things to Do to Relax?

Well the obvious one is reading! I find it to be one of the most relaxing things. Other than that I also love having long baths, and also will spend time with the animals if I need to relax, nothing better than fur baby snuggles- big or small.


What Are Three of Your Favorite Things?

Coffee, Sims and Books… But there is so much more that I just could not live without. The list would go on…

What Are Your Proudest Blogging Moments?

This is really tough for me, as I’m not too sure I have a moment. I have not been as consistent with my blog over the years as I would liked. But one thing that wouldn’t of happened without my blog, is the first time I received a book from a publisher from the lovely Titan. I plan to really start working on the blog this year and hopefully start hitting some milestones that I can be proud of!

I actually have very little confidence in my blog, I do it for my own enjoyment as I adore writing, and love to just talk about all the things I love. I don’t plan on it ever getting too big, as I just enjoy it.

What Are Your Hobbies Outside of Blogging?

Reading really has to be my favourite thing. But my other recent hobby- sorry addiction- is Sims 4! I have literally been up until 2 am the last week playing! But I also love baking and cooking, I just find it really cool to take new recipes and adjust it to make it perfect for us.

Describe Your Personality in Three Words

Ummm…. Indecisive, Introverted, Creative… That’s such a hard question!

What Are Your Top Three Pet Peeves?

Ooo… I have so many! First has got to be lack of manners, people not picking up after their doggos, and anything Christmasy before December!

What’s Something Your Followers Don’t Know About You?

I used to be really into horse riding, I used to compete within Show Jumping, and was actually pretty decent at it. I had to stop because of my health issues, and just couldn’t keep up with it due to pain and fatigue levels. However I have every intention to get back to it in the future!

So that is every thing, I forgot how much I love doing tag posts.

Now I know I am meant to nominate five or more other bloggers to participate, but I am nominating everyone. If you see this and want to participate then go for it. Feel free to comment down below and I can edit and nominate you! Though I am going to specifically nominate Aimee over at So be sure to check out her blog!schizo


January’19 App Goals

Last year I discovered some really useful apps that I am finding are really helping me to make healthier choices for myself. With this new year, I plan on setting out goals to try and help me keep up with trying to be healthier in ways that I can control. So although I call this my January goals, I am probably not going to do a post like this each month as really they are going to be the same month to month. But oh well, be best to start as I mean to go on for the year.

If you want to have a look at the apps I discovered last year, that I am setting the goals for, then you can read all about that in my previous blog posts.

The first is a very simple app that is automatically on most phones, or at least I know it is on Iphones, and that is the Health app. It is a rather simple app that can track how many steps you have done, as long as you keep your phone on you. Although it is not as accurate as a fit bit or any other sport watch it is still useful for someone who isn’t overly active and just wants a way of judging what days have been more active than others. So the aim for this app is to hit a minimum of 2000 steps each and every day. Now this may seem like a very low target, but as a spoonie who has very limited mobility this is actually quite an achievement for myself. My plan is to allow myself a day a week where I will not beat myself up if I do not reach this goal. The thought behind this is that it will hopefully stop me from over doing it.

My Water is another app I had used last year that allows me to track my how much water and other fluids I am taking on board. As someone with kidney and bladder issues, I have to take on more water than an average person in on to hold of infection and keep things flushing through. As of lately I have kind of let the app go dormant but with the new year I am going to aim to hit 3 litres each day. That’s the minimum that I am meant to do as it is, though I should ideally have 4-5 litres. I don’t really want to have any let off from this one, but I am also very aware that when I am out and about it is harder to track how much I am having, but I am going to really try and track it each day and see how I go. img_1063

Finally is an amazing app, Headspace, a meditation app that has guided sessions you can work through. It even has series of sessions on various topics, such as pain or sleep, and these can be truly really useful if you have a specific personal demon that you want to try and combat. Now, I have a full subscription with this app, but I have once again dropped this app into a dormant state, which is not only money down the drain but its also not helping me with trying to improve my mental state. So from January, I am going to start using it dedicatedly again, I want to do a minimum of 4 minutes of  mindful time each day. This app also links back to the Apple Health app so I can track it all on one app. I also want to be using the app a minimum of 6 days a weeks; again I am giving myself a day so if Im out and about and don’t get round to it or forget then I will not be beating myself up with it.
So those are my app goals for the year, well at least unless I increase them. My plan is to track these goals within my bullet journal, so I wont nessacarily put an update each month on the blog but I will see.

Do you have any apps that help you to form and stick to healthy habits?


Hello January, Hello 2019…

Wow, its that time again, its been another whole year and its been one hell of a ride. This year has been full of ups and downs, twists and turns, euphoric highs and rollercoaster falls; but its certainly been worth it.

So to kick off this new year, I am filling this entire month of January with a new blog post each and every day– (well at least, that’s the aim). If you have followed me for a little while then you will know that I have not always stuck to my blogging plans this year, and its been a very hit and miss year for the consistency of blogging. I have determination this year though that I will achieve all 31 posts for this month.

Now that’s where its over to you.. I still have many spaces left for ideas for what you would like to see from me. It can be anything, books, health, lifestyle, tags; I am an open book, excited to hear what you would like to see on the blog this month.

I will try my best to keep up with all the ideas, and if I don’t get round to them this month then don’t worry, I will get round to them in the following months.

Well that’s it for day one, short but sweet. Happy New Year, I hope you had fun seeing off the end of 2018 however you celebrated.


Bed Rest Diaries #3 Part 2

Well if you were here last week then you would of seen that I have been feeling a bit rough and that I did a short stint on bed rest, you can see the post here. Despite really hoping to be back on my feet so I could head back to my partners house, it really did not work out that way and am still at the time of writing this, on bed rest. schizo

On Wednesday, I was told to keep resting due to the antibiotics upsetting my stomach; normally you would try new antibiotics, but as I have had issues with them already not working, they really didn’t want to do this, and was told to try and keep going with them for now.

Wednesday wasn’t exactly the most resting of days, my partner and his little lady came over for lunch. Now watching a one year old may be tiring instead of resting but it does really help me with my mental health; I don’t know if that is a general thing, but spending the day with that little lady, makes it almost impossible to not smile. I cant help but think that spending time with young children, or just children that are happy and playful, will always find a way of brightening your day. Little Beauty, as well as her Daddy, always make me happy.

But after talking to the doctor, I then headed back to bed and proceeded to binge watch all of season one and half of season two of Fear the Walking Dead. Wow, I didn’t expect it to be so good! I have never been a fan of the Walking Dead, but this has really got all of my intention. Don’t really mind being on bed rest if I get to binge watch this.

Thursday became a complete rest day. My Nan has come over to help me out, and I spent the entire day just working on my journal and doing some blog planning. I find these to be things that are ideal for resting for me, they keep my brain working, while allowing my body to completely rest and recuperate. With silly TV on for background noise, I love getting my craft box out and doing some planning. Sadly though, with me struggling to get my eyes to focus because of headaches, I have not been able to read which is really disappointing for me as I love to try and marathon through books when I’m on bed rest.

And that leads us onto today, Friday. Once again, I was back to the doctors, but thankfully this time I was told that my chest has finally cleared up. Unfortunately though my body is still showing signs of infection, and my lunch capacity test thing came up really rather low. So another few days on the nasty antibiotics, and lots more resting. Today has been a much better resting day, watched silly Christmas films with my Nan, and once again working on some journal prep. I feel a touch better mentally today just from having the doctor tell me my chest is clear, but sometimes that is half the battle when you have anxiety. Now I’m going to spend the evening watching the soaps, and relaxing before an early night I think.

Well, I am returning to this on Thursday… Yes that is almost an entire week since I last updated, and I have to say that resting has completely failed. We went out Saturday night for a Christmas meal with my Mums family, and although I was very apprehensive, it actually went really well. But that was then followed by a dinner at my partners, and then a few very tough and trying days helping look after my partners daughter. Sad to say this included an almost 12 hour stint in A&E. All is good now though, and am finally back home.

Still I am having a few issues with breathing whenever I try to do anything, so it is looking like I will be doing a further phone call to the doctors tomorrow.

How has your week been?


Reading Goals 2018

OH dear, you’ll be seeing this before my look back on my 2017 challenges as that’s going up in the new year, but you would be thinking ‘why are you bothering with challenges after such a failure?’ I’ll tell you why, I find it fun, even if like this year, that it all goes pear shape because life gets in the way, its nice to look back on when I’m not sure what to pick up next.  Continue reading “Reading Goals 2018”


Favourites, Christmas Edition

Yay, its Christmas! I adore Christmas, all the decorations and sparkle, plus getting to see all the family and catching up with good friends. There is just something about Christmas that I feel that you can just spoil those you love and treat yourself to the things you normally wouldn’t. And that is just what I have been doing, I have a pile of pressies for my family, and I’ve been treating myself to some of the gorgeous Christmassy special things. Continue reading “Favourites, Christmas Edition”


Most anticipated releases 2018

This is one of my favourite posts to write as I get to look into all the many books that I want to get in the new year; many of which I realise I don’t want to have to wait for. Have to admit this year there isn’t many debuts that I’m overly excited for, but I’ve got a lot of new things from some of my favourite authors to be looking forward to. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of very good new books to read in 2018. Continue reading “Most anticipated releases 2018”