
Initial plans for 2019

Normally I don’t really go into each year with any real plans for what will happen. Yes I may have goals of things I want to integrate into my daily routine or an overall thing I want to work harder on, but this year I am going in to it confident that this is going to be the year of some pretty big changes. And for once changes for the better at that.schizo

2018 was the year I have met the man I am confident I will spend the rest of my life with (I know, you’re probably going to think I’m a naïve girl, but its the truth), and we are set for setting up our life together this year. Our first big plan, which hopefully will move forward some point this month, is that we are going to be moving out and getting ourselves a home. The plan is to rent somewhere local to his work, but certainly looking for a home that we can call our own for the next few years. I know I moan a lot about moving, but this time around I am honestly more excited than I am anything else. This is my next step to independence and its going to be with someone that I know will be there to help me when I am limited.

It has been a long time coming but I am also planning to finish Level 1 of my degree. I am once again contemplating switching up what the degree is actually in, but after 3 years, it is about time that I finally get around finishing off what it essentially my first year of university. Well as you’ll probably of picked up, I am actually not really very up to date with my university work, and am actually running a bit behind schedule; but some dedication and hard work will get me all caught up in the end.

The only other big plan for the year is a wonderful, luxurious holiday with my man and his family. We have really gotten so lucky in that his parents have paid us, and his entire family to go away for a week at the end of March. I have not had a relaxing holiday in what feels like forever, yes I’ve been away, but I haven’t been away to sit and rest. A week in the sun, all inclusive food and drinks, my man, and two of my favourite mini humans. I am seriously so excited, although I don’t know if I’ll get any reading done as such, but just to sit in the sun, with a nice cold drink sounds ideal to me.

Those are my plans for the year this early on, and I am really looking forward to this year. What are your early plans for 2019?

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